Nope! There is no mistake. My letters are usually sent in the middle of the week, but this particular letter is meant to be sent to you on a Friday. As I finished my speech on the 5 successful aspects of good health yesterday to 60 people in the healthcare industry, I left the room with the wish that my words will impact those in the room to take action to become more in order to receive more.

Hard to do, better for you.
Let me give you a tip that will impact one of the 5 aspects of your health, your social health. Who you associate with, or spend time with, determines how much you will grow. "Tell me who you hang out with, and I'll tell you who you are," is something my mother used to tell me when I was a little boy. The truth about this statement is unavoidable. You might not be the same as some of the people you are surrounded with now, but in time, you will start to speak like them, think like them, agree with them, have a little more of them in you, read the same books, watch the same movies, lead them or follow them. It has been hard for me to limit seeing some of my old friends in order to grow as a successful sales person. But this is a sacrifice I committed to in order to become more and provide more to my family. From time to time I meet with my old friends and ask them again if they want to join me on my journey. Some join, some don't. That is ok. I keep repeating this process because I never give up on the fact that I want to be their business partner, make things happen with them, and continue our relationship. The little time that I spend with my old friends is always a good time. But I chose to stop partying so much and, instead, started hanging around those people who make me become a better person and a better businessman. Why? Because I want to think like them a little more, talk like them a little more, learn from them a little more, and rub elbows with them so I can start getting to know the people they know, so they can know me. Because it has never been about who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU.

Heather Hackett
It has been a little over a year since I've been following Heather's posts on facebook and admiring what she does for a living. Heather Hackett founded "I Train Your Kids", and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what she does. I had the pleasure of driving two hours to Sarasota to finally meet Heather. She is what I knew she was. A passionate, goal driven, tenacious business woman. Her passion for exposing kids to a life of exercise, sports and good eating habits makes her pretty significant in my book. We talked about her network of business friends whom she calls "Help Me Help You" and how she wants to expand it to Orlando. Her idea of this different network is something business people will follow and I am excited to be part of her expansion. I didn't do this time what I always teach, which is always to take a picture with the people you meet. But I will use that as an excuse to meet her again and grow our relationship.

Happy Friday!
Indeed, it is "Happy Friday". Not because you are tired of working, want to eat chips and lay in your couch for the rest of the weekend. But Friday is when you decide who you are going to be hanging out with in order to become more. Use the weekend to grow yourself and to get closer to your goals by associating with champions. Don't let this weekend be another one of "slacking". We got enough slackers. We need the best of you!

To read my previous letter, click here.
millo aldea
Entrepreneur & motivator. Fascinated by human behavior and interaction.

Millotico is my hero and I was named Millote after his father.