If you don't want more out of life it means you are happy with what your job pays you. You are happy with how you feel, how many friends you have, how much money you have in the bank, how healthy you are, how much you have provided to others and how much you have traveled the world. It is important to be grateful for what you have, but it is also important to reach your fullest potential to see how much you can accomplish. Positive people like to hang around those with dreams, goals and an action plan to go get them. Life is so boring with nothing to do. What kind of life would one of watching television all day be? It kind of let's you know one of the reasons why so many people are obese nowadays. Maybe we should turn off the "tele".

Going back to getting more out of life - this weekend was another one of those where you feel like exploding and sharing positivity. We tend to believe that our world is how the media tells us it is. I highly suggest you follow one of our company leaders Mr. Nick Sarnicola and make the time to watch his presentation "The Matrix". Nick relates clips from the movie and how we need to implement those scenarios into our lives. Renewing our minds and creating our own version of a positive reality will increase results and attract more people. Because the power of your mind will attract like-minded people, and the power of your words will attract like-spoken people. The world is whatever you want to make of it. And when life gives you its most powerful blow to take you down and you are too tired to continue, that is when you get up and say to yourself: "I will be victorious no matter what".

In order to have more
"In order to have more, you must become more". The first time I heard these words were from my mentor Mike Dobson. Isn't that the truth? If you have been wanting more, instead of waiting to receive, how about becoming a better provider of value? Here are two great examples of becoming more.

Sarah Hartman
As young as she is, Sarah Hartman becomes more by providing jobs to people with disabilities. If you were to meet Sarah in person, you would know how charismatic she is and how passionate she is about helping others. She has a major in Psychology allowing her to understand human behavior better than most. Sarah started her road to significance from an early age and I can't imagine how significant and influential she will become 5 years from now. I very much look forward to seeing the fruit that will grow from the seeds that she is planting so early in her life.

Mike and Sartiza Dobson
As I listened to powerful testimonials, not only from a 24-year-old now making 6 figures, but also from an 84-year-old growing in his direct selling career, I could only feel the urge to celebrate. But not as much as when Saritza Dobson and my mentor Mike Dobson walked up on stage to earn their Ambassador role in the company and an extra 25,000 dollar bonus check for their accomplishments in relationship sales and leadership. Their ways of helping others have paid off in a huge way and I am honored to be one of their students. Because even with the incredible knowledge of sales I have, I will still need to keep my student hat on in order to grow. "Personal Development is not an option" –Mike Dobson.

Going to motivational and business conventions will make you grow as a business person. Books and Audio CDs will do a lot. But seeing those who are making it happen and networking with them will impact your growth in an incredibly positive way. Of all the things that all the leaders spoke of on stage, one concept keeps coming back: "In order to have more, you must become more". Avoid expecting results if you have not yet developed yourself. What are you doing today to become the best of you?

To read my previous letter, click here.
millo aldea
Entrepreneur & motivator. Fascinated by human behavior and interaction.

Millotico is my hero and I was named Millote after his father.