Prevent objections from happening
Here is a sneak peak from the seminar I am giving this Saturday on Overcoming Objections.

You are likely to get more business by preventing objections, than by overcoming them. Preventing objections takes a bit of time and effort, but overcoming objections takes some aggression and skills that you need to perfect. Prevention includes making sure that your prospect is exposed to your product or service several times before you meet, in order to present your value to them in person.

You already know that your prospects buy YOU first, and then your product. You could have the best product and service in the world, but if they don't like you, trust you and are not interested in ever seeing you again, they will buy what you have from someone else.

If you want to prevent objections from happening, make sure that you avoid any of these actions. These are on my top list of "DO N' DIE". If you "Argue", you will die. No one likes to do business with someone that is always arguing. Why do you want to prove them wrong? Find a solution, not a way to prove them wrong. Do you rather be right? Or do you rather be rich?

If you "Interrupt" you will die. The more you interrupt, the more you show your lack of listening. Are you listening? Or are you waiting for your prospect to shut up so you can speak?

Make it a must to learn the following steps. Feel them, believe in them and execute them until you become "CIK" of them. "C" is for CARE for people. Listen to them, relate to them and find out what keeps them up at night. Easiest way to find out, is to ask them. "I" is for IDENTIFY if they need what you offer and in what ways. Ask questions. Avoid assuming they need what you have and find out in what ways. You might be certain that they need it, but the need is not enough. This is why "K" is for KNOW if they want it. Because people know they need to do and buy many things, but unless they want it, they will never get it. And if they want it and they were told not to get it, they find a way to get it anyway.

Learn more
These are the basics of prevention. Prevention is crucial to avoid getting used to the amount of skill you need to overcome objections. Learn how to prevent all objections from happening and you'll have a better chance of people buying you first, and then, making a sale. Email me about the rest of my seminar and what to say after you have done everything to prevent objections and the following things happen: "Let me think about it", "Your price is too high", "I need to talk to___", "I don't have the money", etc. There is an example in the side bar of this letter.

Previous letters


The key to overcoming objections lies on the engaging questions that you ask, and not the answers that you give. Here is an example:
"I need to think about it."

Most of the time, this is a stall and not the reason to pass. Find the true objection by responding with this:

"I understand. Since we are here talking about it, and I want to help you get what you want and answer all your questions; What about it will you be thinking?"

Millo Aldea
Entrepreneur | Sales & Empowering Speaker.
Fascinated by human behavior and interaction.
Millotico is my hero and I was named Millote after his father.