"The information inside of Toughlove Sales is so easy to understand and so easy to apply, that you can take it out into the street and turn it into money! I have a recommendation for you... Buy this book!"

- Jeffrey Gitomer
Speaker Hall of Fame, Author of 15 books, World-known as the King of Sales
"Toughlove Sales is a precise and detailed showcase of Millo's certification as a Human Interaction Technology practitioner. His methods will transform your life, if you chose to take action."

- Michael Bernoff
Results Coach, NLP sales trainer, author & speaker
"I was fortunate to be able to read an advanced copy of Toughlove Sales before the launch. It is freakin' awesome! 'Toughlove Sales' is amazing for anyone trying to breakthrough in the selling world!"

- Ken Dunn
World-known entrepreneur, author & speaker
"WARNING: Millo's book is not for the faint of heart! Millo's message is pure, real and honest as he dives into your feelings and the emotional reality of selling that far too many 'salesmen' would be too proud to discuss. If you are willing to leave your ego on page 1, you may just find the keys that unlock your ultimate sales potential. Get ready for some 'Toughlove' yet in the world of sales, let's face it... Its just 'good medicine'!"

- Jonathan Pineda
Record breaking salesman, author & speaker