Conjunctions to persuade
As you read this, you will know how to use ways of persuasion. The more you practice, the more results you will get at getting what you want. Use these skills to provide good. Use the power of words to show people the value that you provide. If you use these skills otherwise, it will catch up to you someday.

Using Conjunctions
Understand how to use "conjunctions" to deliver a message in your favor. Words such as "but", "and" & "even though" or "even when" put two ideas together, but with different outcomes. If you use them correctly, they will work for you. If you don't, they can backfire on you. Listen to how the following sentence gives three different messages when I use the three conjunctions I mentioned.

"You want to go to the gym, but you are tired"
"You want to go to the gym, and you are tired"
"You want to go to the gym, even though you are tired"

The word "but" has totally erased the first message of the sentence in your subconscious. You want to go to the gym, BUT because you are tired you are not going to. Another one would be: "You want to buy, but you don't have the money". Use the word "but" to your advantage. For example: "You have spent five minutes reading my letter, but you now know how to speak more effectively".

The word "and" in the example above is a result of indecision. By using the word "and" it causes a lag in finding if you want to go to the gym or not. Another good example of that is: "You want to buy, and you don't have the money". Use "and" to benefit you by saying something like this: "You will benefit when you read this, and you will see the results as you apply it".

The last conjunctions will benefit you incredibly. "Even though" or "even when" work to hook the "solution" to the problem. In the example above, you ARE going to the gym, because you have made the decision, even though you are tired. Another good example is: "You want to buy, even though you don't have the money". As long as what you provide is the truth, you will start to increase sales and loyal customers. Use these conjunctions to help you sell in this way: "You will lose weight, even when you are sitting on your couch by drinking the ViShake". "The Body by Vi Challenge works, even though you don't have much money". "The Challenge works, even though you have tried everything else".

Now you know that,
Today has been a tough day so far, but you have learned some skills to start implementing on your sales pitches for next time. You can sell anything you want if you keep reading my emails and start applying what you learn. You will succeed with what I wrote today, even though you think you are not ready. Go gettem'.

Previous letters

"Everything we do, say, think, believe, and behave is Contagious and Millo's sales techniques are no exception! His enthusiasm will rub off on you, spread throughout your business, and build your bottom line!"

Monica Wofford, CSP
CEO Contagious Companies
Millo Aldea
Entrepreneur | Sales & Motivational Speaker.
Fascinated by human behavior and interaction.
Millotico is my hero and I was named Millote after his father.